Town Hall District 60A
Join Rep. Jordan and Sen. Clark for a community conversation on March 22nd at 2PM at the Eastside Food Co-op Community Room (2551 Central Ave NE).
The style will be a town hall forum with the ability to ask questions to the representatives and hear about this upcoming legislative session.
Hosted by the local neighborhood groups of Legislative District 60A.
Volunteers Needed!
Run for the Board!
Run for the SNO Board of Directors!
Do you want to join the board? Anyone who lives, owns a business/property, or represents an institution in Sheridan neighborhood can join. Applications are open for candidates to take part in the upcoming election at our Annual Meeting April 28th.
Join Rose and Nicole today at 3:50 pm and 5:50 pm on MPR News for All Things Considered! They will be chatting about all things Sheridan!
Empty Bowls NE
Join SNO for the Return of Empty Bowls NE
Sunday March 16
11 am - 4 pm
@Eastside Neighborhood Services
Cannot make it on March 16? Donate here to end hunger today!
Volunteer at Las Estrellas
Help support your neighborhood school and volunteer with Colectiva Bilingüe- Minneapolis Bilingual Education Collective
at Las Estrellas!
Special Election
Gov. Tim Walz has issued a writ of special election following the death of Minnesota Sen. Kari Dziedzic. The City of Minneapolis is working closely with Hennepin County and the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office in coordinating the Jan. 28 special election.
Minnesota Senate District 60 comprises all of Minneapolis Ward 1, most of Ward 2 and portions of Wards 3 and 6.
Sheridan Renter Engagement Program is now accepting Applications
The Sheridan Renter Engagement and Education Program is now accepting applications for 2025! Earn up to $600 supporting your neighborhood and community! The Sheridan Neighborhood Organization (SNO) Renter Education and Engagement Program creates opportunities for residents to earn money by being engaged.
Fill out your application today:
SNO Big Deal Potluck
SNO invites you to our upcoming SNO Big Deal Potluck at Broken Clock Brewing in the B-side Lounge on January 27, 7 pm - 9 pm! Bring a dish to share and we hope to see you there!
Giving Tuesday
Do you know about all of the Programs and Projects that SNO is involved in?
Did you know that Sheridan Neighborhood Organization is a non profit that runs on
donations, grants and some funding from the city?
Show your support for your neighborhood by making a donation on
Giving Tuesday to the Sheridan Neighborhood Organization!
Thanksgiving Day Meals
October Community Meeting!
Join us this Monday for our October Community Meeting! We will be at Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative , enjoying tacos from Unidos, hearing from the 911 Operations Director about how you can better understand 911, getting a look at the Marshall ST Project and much more!
We will also be going over the SWOT Analysis, so if you have not filled it out yet please do so to help guide the future of SNO:
Donate your extra Produce!
Do you have any extra produce from your garden that you would like to donate to Every Meal? Bring it to 611 13TH AVE NE on Monday October 14 at 6 pm and it can be donated with the produce from the donation plot!
Thank You!!!
Thank you so much to all the participants, volunteers and sponsors for making the 20th Historic 5K such a success!
Halloween Stroll
4th annual 13th Avenue trick-or-treat stroll is going to be a fun one! We hope to see you there!
Invasive Plant Removal Oct 17
Join us for SNO’s Invasive Plant Removal and River Restoration with Friends of the Mississippi River October 17th!
We have started a long term partnership to help maintain the river banks along the Mississippi at Sheridan Memorial Park. We will be learning about invasive species, how to identify them, how to remove them effectively and eventually planting native species to revitalize the landscape. We will meet at the Sheridan Veterans Memorial at 5 pm, where the FMR will educate us on the project and then we will start the invasive plant removal. We will provide the gloves, water, bags, snacks and tools. Broken Clock Brewing will provide a beverage afterwards!
Please be sure to sign up:
The river is one of Sheridan’s greatest assets and something that we as a community can work together to preserve.
Last Day to Pre-register for the Historic 5K
Today is the last day to Pre-register for the Historic 5K!
Run/Walk, get a free hat, enjoy a free Kramarczuk's brat and Fletcher's Ice Cream at the finish line!
Race is this Saturday and we cannot wait to see you there!
SNO Safety Walks Kick off on October 8th!
On October 8th SNO will be kicking off Safety Walks in collaboration with Mpls Neighborhood Safety Clubs!
We are neighbors, businesses, MPD, Park Police, UMPD and Hennepin County Sheriff's Office all moving forward together in a spirit of friendship
Join us. Together we stand for a safer community.
The Historic 5K is a Month Away!
Run/Walk the Sheridan Neighborhood Organization St. Anthony West Neighborhood Organization (STAWNO) 5k
Free Hat for all participants
Free Kramarczuk's brat after the race
Amazing Prizes from Mill City Running
and Have fun while supporting your community!
Mark your calendars for
September 28, 2024, 9 am
and Register today
or Sign Up to Volunteer!