Our Representatives
Michael Rainville
Minneapolis City Council
Council Member Michael Rainville serves Ward 3
On the City Council, Rainville serves on the following Committees: Budget, Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning, Committee of the Whole, Intergovernmental Relations and Public Health & Safety. In his advocacy work, Michael takes a balanced approach by carefully listening to all parties. Michael excels at driving efforts to a productive and meaningful conclusion.
Sign up for updates and newsletter here.
Kari Dziedzic
Minnesota State Senate
Senator Kari Dziedzic serves District 60
Senator Dziedzic serves as a Ranking Minority Member in Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Finance, Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy, and Taxes committees.
Learn more about her work and sign up for her newsletter here.
Sydney Jordan
Minnesota House of Representatives
Representative Sydney Jordan serves District 60A
Representative Jordan serves on Education Policy, Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division, Health and Human Services Finance Division, and State Government Finance Division committees.
Irene Fernando
Hennepin County board of Commissioners
Commissioner Irene Fernando serves District 2 of Hennepin County